
Friday, June 22, 2012

We have a new person in our classroom. Welcome to Trinity who comes from Morrinsville. She can share her old class blog site with her new class members.
We did some persimmon maths today. What is "persimmon maths?'
Jayden brought 8 beautiful, glowing persimmons off his tree. We have 25 children in our class. We had a problem. What could we do?
We cut the persimmons in half so we had 16 pieces.....1/2
Then we cut again into quarters  1/4.
Now we had 32 pieces so everyone had a taste of a quarter.
Lots of us liked them so much we had to cut again into eighths 1/8
Alex S. worked out the pattern to cut again into sixteenths!!!
We all had a some yummy healthy fruit whil we worked out some fractions.
Thank you so much Jayden. THAT WAS FUN!!


  1. Hi Poppy and the rest of Room1. You sound like you are having a lot of fun doing cool maths problems. I have never tried a persimon, do you think I should try one? Are they yummy? Did more people like them than not? How many people out of 25 did like them? I look forward to the answer. Michelle(Poppy's Mum).

  2. Hi Room 1
    this does look like great maths learning! Well done everyone.

    did you work out the answer yet?

    From Mrs Paton
