
Friday, September 28, 2012

Assembly 28th September

My camera took this photo of our assembly this morning. We re-used our costumes to present our information. Aidan
We looked on the internet and found loads of interesting  factsabout starfish. Jayden
I shared our learning all about fractions. It was hard in front of such a big audience. Alex
I liked playing and singing Kiwi Ukelele best. Saskia
My assembly was cool and I was excited. Zoe
I was happy about the assembly because my Mum came to watch. Adelei
I was excited because I got to wear my jellyfish costume again. It's sparkly and bubbly. Manaia
I was the octopus and I liked it but my hair got a little bit caught up in the net. Summah
I felt very embarrased about sharing with SO MANY people but I DID IT! Kayley
It was cool having both my Mum and Dad there for our sharing assembly. Poppy
I was really proud of myself because I thought I might forget to say some of the words. Rico
I was happy and shiny and proud of myself because I sparkled. Christopher
I felt good with a big crowd all looking at me. Cooper
We had Room6 comein to ourclass with lovely cards they made for us. Thank you Room 6.
 From Jared

1 comment:

  1. To Room 1
    We enjoyed your assembly today.
    We think that you put in a lot of effort to do this on the last day of term.
    You taught us lot's of things about the ocean.
    We know that some starfish are round. Jellyfish are 95% water and 5% jelly.
    Did you enjoy your assembly?
    From Room 7
