
Friday, September 28, 2012

Assembly 28th September

My camera took this photo of our assembly this morning. We re-used our costumes to present our information. Aidan
We looked on the internet and found loads of interesting  factsabout starfish. Jayden
I shared our learning all about fractions. It was hard in front of such a big audience. Alex
I liked playing and singing Kiwi Ukelele best. Saskia
My assembly was cool and I was excited. Zoe
I was happy about the assembly because my Mum came to watch. Adelei
I was excited because I got to wear my jellyfish costume again. It's sparkly and bubbly. Manaia
I was the octopus and I liked it but my hair got a little bit caught up in the net. Summah
I felt very embarrased about sharing with SO MANY people but I DID IT! Kayley
It was cool having both my Mum and Dad there for our sharing assembly. Poppy
I was really proud of myself because I thought I might forget to say some of the words. Rico
I was happy and shiny and proud of myself because I sparkled. Christopher
I felt good with a big crowd all looking at me. Cooper
We had Room6 comein to ourclass with lovely cards they made for us. Thank you Room 6.
 From Jared

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Another Surprise Visitor

This is Saskia's bird Marley who also came to visit us yesterday. He was very shy at first and a little frightened by so many BIG people in Room One.  He is still a baby as he is only eight months old. Saskia thinks he is a cute little fella. He looks like he has a yellow mohawk hairdo. He is a cockateil with very special markings on him.
In Room One we have another Marley. He is a lion who sings "Don't Worry, Be Happy" and it always makes us feel good when we hear the song.
Rico thinks both Marleys are cute.
Then we find out Summah has a cat called Marley. So now we know of THREE Marleys.

Surprise Visitor

Emily by the Hotomauea Carving
We had a surprise visitor from Emily who arrived "out of the blue" with her mum, all the way from Australia. Emily used to be our classmate in Room 3 when we were Year Ones and only just beginning with our learning.
We got such a surprise!! Mrs. T. was nearly speechless!!
We asked lots of questions about her new life in Australia and found she even has an "Aussie accent".
Aidan showed her his new trick of spelling Ngaruawahia by using mnemonics.
We have had fun this week using mnemonics after he taught us to spell "because"
Betty Eats Cakes And  Uncle Sells Eggs

Other mnemonics were Never Eat Soggy Weetbix for North, East, South and West.
Every Good Boy Deserves Fruit for the DGBDF notes on the lines of music.
Who knows the rhyme to spell Ngaruawahia?
Emily didn't and she used to live in Ngaruawahia.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Colour Our World

We had our first performance today with a real live audience! Here are out thoughts.
Kayley said, " I felt special and proud of myself in my new sparkly costume."
Christopher said, "I was surprised how many people were in the hall."
"I felt embarrassed because there were heaps of people but I just got over it," thought Kade.
Zoe said, "I felt happy in my new costume as a seahorse and I felt pretty."
"I felt HAPPY because the audience thought we looked pretty awesome on the stage."said Adelei
Alex (No 1) said, " It was embarrassing because I have never been up on the stage in front of so many people. I think I only knew one of them."
Then Alex (No 2) said, "I felt surprised but I will be even more surprised tonight when my Mum comes to watch."
"I was surprised how many people there were. There was probably over 100!" thoght Aidan.
"I have never been on stage before dressed up with make-up on. It was lots of fun, said Poppy
"I felt really happy with my first performance in a school production," said Rico.
Saskia said," I felt like a twinkly star!"
"I thought it was just going to be kids but it wasn't. There were heaps of adults. I didn't want to show myself. I hid behind the giant octopus. I felt safe behind the giant octopus." said Jared.
Manaia thought, " I looked sparkly in my costume. I felt excited."
"I was excited because it was our first performance. It made all the practices worth it." said Cooper.
"I was amazed  how many adults were in the audience, but I still did it, said Jayden.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Oranges Baking Day

The Oranges reading group read a book called Making a Happy Cake. They read the book then the next day they followed the instructions to make their very own Happy Cake. They measured all the ingredients then mixed it up. It was cooked in a microwave for 6 minutes and it rose up in the pan.
It smelled divine. It tasted even better. The decoration was made with icing sugar.
Should we put the recipe on the blog?

Friday, June 22, 2012

We have a new person in our classroom. Welcome to Trinity who comes from Morrinsville. She can share her old class blog site with her new class members.
We did some persimmon maths today. What is "persimmon maths?'
Jayden brought 8 beautiful, glowing persimmons off his tree. We have 25 children in our class. We had a problem. What could we do?
We cut the persimmons in half so we had 16 pieces.....1/2
Then we cut again into quarters  1/4.
Now we had 32 pieces so everyone had a taste of a quarter.
Lots of us liked them so much we had to cut again into eighths 1/8
Alex S. worked out the pattern to cut again into sixteenths!!!
We all had a some yummy healthy fruit whil we worked out some fractions.
Thank you so much Jayden. THAT WAS FUN!!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


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You can see what we are doing in our K.C. Clubs. We have so much fun and really look forward to our Friday afternoons!